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››››››Motorola MILESTONE XT720 Review
2010-09-30, 7:15 PM


This is a global GSM phone, it can be used with T-Mobile USA and AT&T's 2G network.


Is it a mirror? Is it a reflective PCMCIA card? No, it’s the Motorola MILESTONE XT720! Touted to be Motorola’s camera-phone extraordinaire, this touch-screen phone mixes a traditional candy-bar form-factor with some interesting styling, a WVGA resolution screen and a hopeful 8MP camera on the back with auto-focus and a xenon flash. Running Google Android, could the MILESTONE XT720 be the media monster Android fan-boys have been craving for?

Motorola MILESTONE XT720 ReviewMotorola MILESTONE XT720 Review


The first thing we notice about the Motorola MILESTONE XT720 is its shine. The front panel is reflective to the point that it can double up as a mirror.  The back panel contrasts this to great effect with a navy blue matte brushed metal finish, adding both grip and a solid feel. Despite being only 10.9mm thick, this phone feels chunky for a touch screen handset of this size.  With its angular styling, when compared with other touch-screen handsets such as the curvaceous HTC Desire, the edgy MILESTONE XT720 feels larger in the hand and pocket than its specs make out.


Motorola MILESTONE XT720 Review   Motorola MILESTONE XT720 Review
Motorola MILESTONE XT720 feels chunky for a touch screen handset of this size
Category: My files | Added by: walid
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