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››››› Sony Ericsson Yendo Preview
[ Download from this server (77.5 Kb) ] 2010-09-30, 6:41 PM
This is a dual-band GSM phone. It can be used in Europe and Asia only.
The American version can be used with AT&T and T-Mobile USA.




After we got a chance to play with the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini and mini pro, we felt like this company is still capable of outputting some pretty decent phones to the market. That feeling grew stronger when we took our time with the Xperia X8 prototype, which was equally fun to use. Now, a very similar (and at the same time entirely different) product emerges on the horizon – the Sony Ericsson Yendo. The similarities come from the design and UI departments, where the Yendo clearly resonates with the above-mentioned devices. However, the main difference is the lack of a smartphone platform, or in this case – of Android. Instead, users will be treated to a proprietary Sony Ericsson platform, disguised with the same interface that is also employed with the X10 mini and X8. On top of that, the Yendo is branded with the Walkman logo, which comes to show that it targets a more media-centric audience.


The Sony Ericsson Yendo is a compact touchscreen handset. Made entirely of plastic, with a soft-touch matte coating on the back, the Yendo feels fine in the hand, thanks to its stable build quality. Of course, some metal elements would have made wonders for it, but it's not to say that it's unsatisfying.

Category: My files | Added by: walid
Views: 757 | Downloads: 238 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 0.0/0
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1 walid  
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