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›››››Nokia E5 Review
2010-09-30, 7:00 PM


This is a global GSM phone, it can be used with AT&T's 3G network and T-Mobile USA's 2G network.


The Nokia E5 is the latest in a long line of business oriented Eseries phones, and directly follows on from the Nokia E72 with its QWERTY keyboard, landscape screen and business oriented feature-set. While most people still regard BlackBerries as the definitive business handsets, both the Nokia E71 and E72 were extremely well received. With the Nokia E5 offering similar utilities and form-factor as the E72, but at a lower price-point, have Nokia retained all the key strengths in the E5, or have they stripped it of too many features in a bid to keep the price down? 


Sporting a predominantly plastic body, with the exception of its battery cover, the Nokia E5 looks extremely fit for purpose. The E5 appears more straight-laced than the E72, with no design enhancements such as chrome-like trimmings to differentiate it from the array of handsets with a similar form-factor currently on the market. Despite the plastic body, the Nokia E5 still however manages to provide a solid feel, decent weighting, curved edges that feel comfortable to hold, and all in a relatively slim-line device.

Nokia E5 ReviewNokia E5 ReviewNokia E5 Review


The Nokia E5 provides a solid feel, decent weighting, curved edges that feel comfortable to hold, and all in a relatively slim-line device
Category: My files | Added by: walid
Views: 1122 | Downloads: 0 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 4.0/1
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